2025 National Meeting
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
March 28 - 30
Our Annual Meeting and Delegates Gathering is always a great opportunity for our members across the country to come together in celebration! Hosted this year by the North Carolina Chapter, you are invited to join us March 28 and 29 (or select the dates and events that fit your schedule if you cannot attend all). Our hosts are providing a lot of recommendations for hotels, wineries, historic sites, museums and such that you may want to plan to visit while you are in the area.
There are a number of events planned starting with a “Welcome Reception” on Friday evening at Jeffrey Adams Cellar on Fourth. It will be a casual time and is from 5 – 7 p.m. so that you might make plans for dinner on your own afterwards. You’ll find details on all of our events using the link below for DETAILS.
We would ask that you download, complete and return the REGISTRATION FORM from the link below to share important information with us. This is a pdf form that you can fill in and return to us via email or regular mail. You have the option to pay by check or you can pay by credit card online with a small convenience fee in our online store.
On Saturday morning, March 29th, our Delegates will meet to conduct the business of our Order. All members are welcome, but only delegates may participate and vote. If you would like to be present for the Delegates Meeting, here’s what you need to know. Delegates will gather at 8:45 a.m. and the meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. at Raffaldini Winery.
At 12:30, we have lunch planned at Raffaldini Winery which is owned by Master Knight Jay Raffaldini. At 7 p.m. we will continue with a Celebration Dinner at Spring House Restaurant in downtown Winston-Salem.
Our hosts have also provided information on a number of wineries and other attractions in the area that you are sure to want to plan to visit.
Please click to view and print the DETAILS. As always, it will be a wonderful time of great camaraderie, and we can’t wait to see you then!